Here are swatches of all 16 new Velvet Blur Lux Lipsticks.
In order of Appearance (in video above):
- Alchemist
- Sorry not sorry
- CA love
- Fake love
- Hey mr. DJ
- K bop
- Lucky strike
- Solo
- Mesmerize
- Crème Fresh
- Superbloom
- 21 questions
- All tea
- Vignette
- Sphynx
- Y2K
Click on images below to enlarge.
It’s My Pleasure Palette
Click on images to enlarge

My name is Erin, I am Forever 29 years old. However if you want the truth, I am 41 years old. I have loved make up since I was a kid. I love talking about it, I like putting it on my face, I like swatching it. I like it all. My favorite brand is Colourpop.
Some other things about me…
I live in Michigan, I have lived here my own life. I have a love/hate relationship with the state, lol.
I work for my family’s business.
I LOVE TO READ. Mostly I read Romance but sometimes I’ll venture into other genres.
I spend a lot of time in NYC visiting my BFF.
If the pandemic taught me anything it’s that you only get one life to live so live it to the fullest. I have been YOLOing since 2022. One of the things I’ve been doing a lot more of is going to CONCERTS!