Soooo, let’s rewind back the week before last.. On July 4th I posted on my instagram (@colourpopme) images of what my SUPER SHOCK SHADOWS/PIGMENT collection looks like so far…. and I tagged Colourpop, Boss Lady, Jordynn and Bunny I do believe…
On July 8th, I posted my ISO list of Super Shock Shadows that I needed to complete my Super Shock Shadow collection and I tagged everyone again.
YESTERDAY at 3pm EST, The Colourpop instagram sent me a message…
This morning at 11AM EST, FedEx came knockin’ at my door with a decent sized package from… COLOURPOP.
and this is what was in it… 🙂
Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. You are indeed seeing the BAMF, PIPER AND VIXEN TIE DYES.
Those are the first ones that I SWATCHED because they are the ones that I was the MOST EXCITED ABOUT! I will swatch the rest of them in the next few days when I get some more free time. But until then.. I present to you.. swatches of all of the tie dyes that Colourpop has released in Shadow form…. with the exception of Meet Up (sigh)..
As I was swatching and taking photos of my treasures, Vixen decided to take a leap out of the pan. 🙁 I managed to salvage it is no longer as pretty as it was this afternoon. 🙁 🙁 🙁
THANK YOU SO MUCH COLOURPOP for the amazing surprise you sent to me. I appreciate it soooo much! You guys truly are the best company in the world. You guys are so amazing to your customers, please don’t ever stop being awesome. 🙂
Now in case anyone was wondering, I only need 7 super shocks to complete my collection! The last 7 I need are: Dasher, Dynasty (I’ll get this one in my next order), Juicer, Meet Up, Midnight, Play, Solstice.
If anyone is looking to unload any of those, I would definitely be willing to take them off your hands if you’re looking to sell. 🙂
Thank you again Colourpop! <3 <3
Do any of you own these or any other shades? I am ALWAYS looking for swatches of any and ALL Colourpop products on a variety of skin tones to add to the gallery! Please help me out and send your colourpop swatches in! Submit them using this form. 🙂

My name is Erin, I am Forever 29 years old. However if you want the truth, I am 41 years old. I have loved make up since I was a kid. I love talking about it, I like putting it on my face, I like swatching it. I like it all. My favorite brand is Colourpop.
Some other things about me…
I live in Michigan, I have lived here my own life. I have a love/hate relationship with the state, lol.
I work for my family’s business.
I LOVE TO READ. Mostly I read Romance but sometimes I’ll venture into other genres.
I spend a lot of time in NYC visiting my BFF.
If the pandemic taught me anything it’s that you only get one life to live so live it to the fullest. I have been YOLOing since 2022. One of the things I’ve been doing a lot more of is going to CONCERTS!